
Friday, February 3, 2012

Daily Dose of Irritation

Does anybody else find hovering shoppers irritating? Or is it just me? I rarely shop and when I do, I'm usually shopping with a mission. I like to find what I'm looking for and hightail it out of there because I just have too many things to do in one day anyway. I've never been a Marshall's type of gal. I HATE rack shopping. The Marshall's in my area has recently done a miraculous turn around in the organizational department as per my visit for exercise equipment the other day, so I decided to give it another go (especially since the weighted pair of punching gloves I purchased wasn't actually a pair. To top off this shopping adventure, my son Nicholas fell asleep in the car on the way there and did not choose to continue in his restful state when I put him in his stroller. Instead I was shopping with baby plastic man. My child was contorting himself into some pretty interesting positions to signal his growing irritation from being cooped up in his jogger. At first I leaped in front of him and began a quick game of peek-a boo to try to ease his dissatisfaction. Now I'm talking in baby jibber jabber to try to make him laugh, "wassa wuzza wooloo,,,, zizzer zaz!". "weahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!". Oh no, he wasn't having it. So I end up taking him out of the stroller and holding his hand as I maneuvered through the store, pushing an empty stroller as well. Things worked out pretty well for a while. I'm fingering through the rack of jeans trying to find my size, when out of no where, I can see a girl becoming increasingly annoyed that I'm there. I feel like saying "What? You have a problem? I'm here first ! Wait your turn!". Or maybe I should say..."yessss? Is there something I can help you with? Would you like a ride in my son's stroller or something? Why the hell are you on top of me, I'm already having a stressful day!". Well, you know I'm not going to say anything but I'm agitated right now and obviously so is she. The only thing is she really should wait her turn. I'm here first! She continues to hover and then I finally move out of her way, to which she offers a "sorry." Completely nasty and unheartfelt might I add. And there she is! She has taken my spot and is doing exactly what I was doing! Is there a reason why she had more of a right to be there fingering through the jeans that I did? Is she the  queen of Marshall's and I just don't know it? Should I have thrown hangers and price tags at her to welcome her into her obvious kingdom in the jeans section of Marshall's? A girl like this is exactly what makes me want to get out of Staten Island!  I'm beginning to think that every one's notion in the media of what it is like to live here and what the people are like....could be dead on! I just don't get how a place can breed so many people who think they are better and don't have a problem being nasty on a daily basis!Look, I can't speak for everybody, there are tons of nice people here but there are  also a lot of people who are just miserable. It's like people look at you crazy if you smile. I did an experiment while jogging in the park for a while. I began just smiling and saying good morning to the people that I passed on a daily basis. Maybe two people smiled back and would respond daily. You see they have something called social skills that I'm noticing so many people don't have. Maybe they're insecure, who knows. You wouldn't believe some of the glances people exchanged with me by my saying good morning. You would have thought that I was jogging through the park dressed as a monkey with lipstick throwing bananas at people singing LMFAO's I'm Sexy and I know it. O-O-O-e-e-e---AHHHHH! Ridiculous (both my example and their behavior). Don't people know the phrase "you catch more bees with honey than vinegar"? Apparently not I guess. I'm telling you, if you go anywhere else, it's just customary for people to just look at you and smile. We're people for god sake. I mean look, not everyone is cut from the same cloth. You can easily tell many times what "stranger" not to talk to but it wasn't like I was wandering the park in a nightgown like a crazy person. I was a clean, attractive, happy jogger. Oh well. My bad. Well back to the Marshall's story. That trip ended with my son wheeling the stroller filled with my finds (including jeans......Thank you your majesty for at least letting me find a pair) while I held him in super baby position ( because that's the only way he would not flip out) while people looked at me like a bad mom for shopping in this fashion. Carpe Diem! Yes I did indeed seize the day at Marshall's today! A full stressful half hour out with my little man. Oh and don't forget about Queen Marshall's. She seized the day as well..... by stealing my spot at the jeans rack because she's somehow more important than the other shoppers at the store (grrrrrr) and by taking time to get on my nerves today!!! Doesn't it take the same amount of energy for people to be kind than it does to be rude and miserable???


  1. Oh boy is this true!! Thanks for reminding me of this! I need to remember that this DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ME TOO!! As someone who is not from SI, I think in time I have actually over compensated to "Defend" myself. It used to be more first nature to be polite or accommodating even to strangers, but I have found it's like you can be almost at war with neighbors. Funny story, I was actually appalled when it happened. I was in Children's Place shopping with my daughter a while back. There was another mother in there with her twins in a very obvious hurry. Well she had her GIOGONDO stroller parked by the register and was running back and forth making final grabs for things she wanted. She was also attempting to make bottles and feed her infants while paying and doing all this juggling with this huge stroller. Well someone taps her strollers. By NO means to I mean hard, just brushes past and touches it. Well this woman, Mother I go further to say goes on a tirade about this. I just couldn't believe it. Really is it that serious. Someone brushed your stroller. But this so reminds me of this. Really, does your attitude need to follow you everywhere or could you maybe save it for where it's really necessary! OK rant done!! Again, thanks for sharing!
